ADK Horsemanship at

Rookery Ranch 

Your next horse adventure awaits…

Horse Lessons - Horse Training - Clinics

ADK Horsemanship Philosophy

“Make the right thing obvious.” ~Bill Dorrance

At ADK Horsemanship, Nicky teaches her students to relate to horses through feel, a unique approach to horse handling presented in the book “True Horsemanship Through Feel” by the legendary Bill Dorrance and co-authored by world renowned coach Leslie Desmond.

What results is a newfound connection to the mind, body, and soul of the horse as well as a sense of presence, patience, and focus in the human.

Meet Nicky

From a young age, Nicky’s love of horses has pushed her to look for mastery in many approaches, styles, and disciplines. As a teacher, her attention to the horse and handler, and seeing them as unique beings, has led her to embrace good timing, feel, and balance as her foundational principles. She won’t just teach you how to ride a horse, but how to connect with a horse, forming a meaningful and purposeful bond. No matter your experience (or lack of) with horses, Nicky will give you a different perspective and new ideas to fuel your understanding and connection with them.

Nicky Frechette

Horse Trainer Instructor Clinician

“When you can direct a horse’s movement through feel, then there’s understanding taking place between the person and the horse. That is the sign of true horsemanship.”

~Bill Dorrance “True Horsemanship Through Feel”

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